Quality Policy

The basic orientation of Binary Confidence s.r.o. (or ‘company’) is to gain competitive advantage and to be recognized for quality in providing expert services in cyber and information security.

Company considers the customer’s satisfaction as fundamental element for its continual growth and success.

Satisfying customer requirements and expectations will be achieved through:

  • Customer focus of understanding and anticipating customer needs to provide products and services that add value and exceed expectations
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  • Angažovanosti vedenia spoločnosti
  • Consideration of context of the organization and aligning the Quality Management System (QMS) with the strategic direction of Binary Confidence s.r.o.
  • Standardized process phases and documentation
  • Satisfying applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
  • Following industry standards (security best practices and set frameworks)
  • Establishing, applying, maintaining, review and continual improvement of QMS
  • Tracking and applying new technologies, norms and standards
  • Understanding how our jobs fit into the overall flow of work at Binary Confidence s.r.o.
  • Continuously managing effective internal and external communication
  • Continuously improving our services and products (such as SOC, VScan and AuditTool/Securea)
  • Providing relevant training and education to our employees