The basic orientation of Binary Confidence s.r.o. is to create an Environmental Management System (EMS) according to compliance obligations by following the principles and requirements of ISO14001; EMS capable of identifying and controlling the environmental impact of its activities, products and services, and to continually improving its environmental performance.
Company's commitment is to support the protection of the environment that includes sustainable resource use, protection of biodiversity and ecosystem, and addressing other relevant environmental issues such as pollution, waste of natural resources and hazardous liquidation of waste.
Company’s top management commitment is to ensure environmental protection not only at work environment but also to encourage and raise awareness of employees to care about environmental impacts at home and in day-to- day family life.
Company’s recognizes both direct and indirect environmental aspects that company’s activities, products and services may affect the environment having significant negative impact to its sustainability.
Company considers the protection of environment as an important objective that is in line with company’s business objective to be competitive on the market. Company also recognizes the opportunity to fulfill the requirements of Slovak law 343/2015 and be able to apply for public procurements.
Company’s commitment to the continual improvement of EMS will be achieved through:
Binary Confidence is a community of experts who have been fulfilling the cybersecurity expectations of the most demanding clients since 2014.
2025 Binary Confidence. Všetky práva vyhradené.
2024 Binary Confidence. All rights reserved.